Tuesday 5 March 2013

Prepping for our Presentation!

Hello out there!

As most of you know the Astonished! Teaching and Learning Centre is part of the Big Sky Centre for Learning and Being Astonished! Inc.  The Big Sky Centre is a not-for-profit organization that works in inclusive community to address barriers facing young adults with complex physical disAbilities by creating opportunities for teaching and learning, social, recreation and cultural engagement, and for employment and housing. Today we started to work on one of our upcoming presentations that will occur in Kinesiology 120 at the University of Regina.  On April 8th we will be guest speakers educating the Kin 120 students about Barriers and Enablers to Recreation, Physical Activity and Leisure.  As part of our presentation we plan to use photos and tell stories in the format of a 'Jeopardy' game.  We hope that our personal experiences will provide the students with real life examples to complement the current research on barriers and enablers.  

We also worked on one of the goals on Rebekah's PATH.  Rebekah has invited the group out to her family farm for Bekah's Broyhill Bash one Thursday a month April- September.  We look forward to learning more about Rebekah's life at the farm!  

Before signing off we would like to say hi to Ruth and Brenda who are enjoying a warm vacation!  See you soon!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the greetings. It has been great to keep up with you from here. We have had a wonder-filled holiday. Now for our last morning snorkel and then packing up. See you soon. Brenda and Ruth
