Tuesday 12 March 2013

It's Back!!!!

Hello Out There!

Brenda's back from Hawaii and she brought the Eye Gaze Edge with her (no it wasn't in Hawaii with her but it arrived in Regina from Halifax shortly after Brenda returned with her gorgeous tan)!  Today we got reacquainted with system and got to see all of the grid program Chris Saulnier put together for us ~ thank you Chris!  Chris developed custom packages for each of Astonished!'s Student Researchers.  We are very much looking forward to the weeks to come!

We also debriefed Brenda on all of the other exciting things that are happening including Kennen's Strengths, Dreams and Needs Interviews, Kaitlyn going to Stella and Sway as part of her PATH, Bekah's Broyhill Bash, the April 6th fundraiser, and the Kin 120 presentation.  A lot is happening around here!

Speaking of the fundraiser .... Astonished is collecting pennies and any other change that people are willing to donate.  SO, if YOU have any pennies taking up room in your, coin jars, junk drawers, wallets or purses we would LOVE to take them off your hands!  Connect bonnie at bonnie.cummings-vickaryous@beingastonished.com, Ella at ella.mcintyre@beingastonished.com or Rebekaha, Kaitlyn, or Kennen.

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