Monday 11 March 2013

Breaking Down Barriers

Hello out There!

Today we had a special guest join us from Minot University, Lynice, Kennen’s sister.  Lynice who is home for spring break was able to witness all the work we do!

As usual we started our day with our typical checkin.  Happy to report that we are all doing well and are looking forward to all the events to come.

Following the pattern of our last few A!TLC sessions we did an update on our Fundraiser and again we are happy to report that donations are starting to come in!  Please ensure that you keep April 6th open as you are all invited to our Fun/Fundraising Event (7:00-9:00 pm, Atrium Space in the Research and Innovation Centre, University of Regina).

After talking about our fundraiser we continued to work on our upcoming presentation in Kin 120.  As explained in a previous post we will be doing a presentation on barriers and enablers to recreation, physical activity and leisure.  Today our conversation focused on educating Bonnie and Ella on the various barriers we have encountered over the course of our lives.  From Attitudinal to omission barriers we have experienced it all!  Bonnie and Ella appreciated the lesson!  We are looking forward to putting our stories into our jeopardy presentation and our pictures into the video clip.  Our new idea is that the jeopardy PowerPoint presentation will highlight the barriers we have experienced and that our video will showcase that a little bit of  thought, innovation and creativity will lead to successful physical activity, recreation and leisure experiences.

We finished off our day by briefly working on Kaitlyn’s PATH.  With the goal of staying fashionable, Kaitlyn has been invited to go to Stella & Sway a local boutique.  There Kaitlyn will have the opportunity to talk about style and business with Karey, the owner of Stella and Sway. 

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