Monday 25 March 2013

Life of the Student Researchers

Hello Out There!

Happy Monday everyone!  It was a very happy Monday at A!TLC we finally had all three student researchers present.  It seems like weeks since we have all been together.  Today we had a productive day learning from each other about inclusion and accessibility as we prepare to assess the U of R tomorrow (for our April 8th Kin 120 presentation).  We each have a homework assignment to be thinking about accessibility within the City of Regina (good accessibility and areas for improvement).  If you have any suggestions on places we should visit please leave a comment on our blog.

We also worked on Kailtyn's PATH and are currently making arrangements with Karey from Stella and Sway.  Kaitlyn is looking forward to spring (the real spring when there is no SNOW) and visiting the fashion boutique to talk fashion and business!

Daily Shout Outs
A!TLC gives a shout out to the Astonished! Leadership team for a great movie event yesterday.

Kaitlyn gives props to the volunteers who always come out to the Leadership events.  Your volunteering is much appreciated!

Rebekah says hi to her friend Harvey in Vancouver and is thankful for the package she received in the mail and for the great movie recommendation.  She loved the Life of Pi and recommends it to her friends!

Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great day. I am adding The Life of Pi to my movie list. Thanks for the recommendation. Brenda
