Thursday 7 March 2013

Hard (and Happy) Workers!

Hello out there!

Today we started out by going to our Fun/Fundraising site to get a lay of the land. We tried to picture the space filled with food, drink, music, and party people instead of the busy students we saw doing their homework. With a bit of time and effort -the way that we see it, things are looking good!

There was also some great follow up on the workshop series that Astonished! is planning to do with the University of Regina's Centre for Teaching and Learning (Not to be confused with the Astonished Teaching and Learning Centre!). During our time at the A!TLC we will work together to prepare a 20 minute presentation that will teach instructors to build more inclusive classrooms. We were happy to be joined by the Manager for Student Accessibility Services, Teri Phillips for this discussion.  There is work to be done and we are EXCITED!

We finished off by making sure that everyone in the loop for our upcoming Kin. 120 presentation. Things are still coming together and we are ready to collect and organize pictures, videos, and stories that will highlight the different barriers and enablers to recreation.

Right now Bonnie is on the phone with Kaitlyn's sister hoping to secure a donation for our Fun/Fundraiser. A good note to end this blog entry and a great start to out coffee session!

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