Saturday 16 March 2013

Throwback Thursday!

Hello Out There,

With limited internet access on Thursday we were not able to post our usual blog entry.  Instead we had to write it up in Microsoft Word for it to be posted at a later time.  With all the extra excitement around Astonished! these days (today is our planning day) Thursday's post is just now getting posted.  Apologies for the 2 day delay!

So .... here it is ...

Before getting to our work at the A!TLC today we have an extra update for you all!!! Last night (Wednesday) Kennen hosted a dinner party for her family and friends (including Ella and Bonnie ) at her parents' home.  The focus of the evening was on Kennen and exploring her Strengths, Dreams and Needs.  Thank you to Lynice for the wonderful meal and snacks!!! Can’t wait to come back!!!!  Bonnie and Ella thoroughly enjoyed their trip to Kennen’s parents’ house in Grenfell (including getting lost ---who knew it was possible)!. 

Today we took a wheel down memory lane!  We each brought photos from our childhood and youth to select for the Kin 120 presentation.  As we looked at the photos it was easy to see that we have all enjoyed leisure and recreation throughout the years. AND who knew that Rebekah Lindenbach was an original blond!  We are very much looking forward to our presentation and having the opportunity to teach others about inclusion and ways to adapt recreation to ensure fun for all!

We are ending our day with a trip to the OWL for our Inclusive Café!   


  1. Haha (sorry I have to laugh a little) you got lost in Grenfell! It's possible because no one actually knows their house number or street name there so I do see how it could happen! :)

  2. Yes...kind of embarrassing but we eventually found our way and we had a terrific time. Looking forward to the second interview this coming week.
