Tuesday 19 March 2013

Follow the Yellow Dot!

Hello Out There!!!

Kennen & Ella
Big news at the A!TLC today.  Kennen rolled in with two cheques for the April 6th Fundraiser!  Again we are astonished and SOOO thankful for the support we are receiving from the community.

Today Rebekah shared a funny story with us that happened earlier in the day.  It is apparent that she looooves physical comedy.  We only wish we could have been there to have shared in the laughter as Rebekah's lunch exploded all over the kitchen.

Rebekah & Brenda 'Eye Gaze Edging'
Follow the yellow dot!!!  Today we spent time working with the Eye Gaze Edge.  Both Kennen and Rebekah wanted to work the system and showed us how they are gaining skills calibrating the Eye Gaze Edge.  We saw the yellow dot move around the screen as each student researcher moved it with their eyes!  Big thanks to Brenda M for her clear step-by-step instructions!

ARE YOU READY!!!!  We are introducing a new segment to our blog.  Each entry we will have a daily shout out where each student researcher can say hi to someone in the blog-o-sphere.

Daily Shout Out!

Kennen: Thank you to Malcolm & Sara from 20/20 Geomatics and Uncle Dave from D&S Flooring for your sponsorship for our Fundraising Event.  Your support is very much appreciated.

Rebekah: Hi to Amie, Gabi, and Brittany (my sisters-in-law).

A!TLC: Hello Kaitlyn.  We missed you today and are looking forward to seeing you on Thursday.


  1. whoot whoot! Sounds like things are rolling along with the fun fundraiser!
    I would have loved to be a fly on the wall when your lunch exploded Rebekah! hehe
    See you all April 6th!

  2. Good work with the fundraiser so far!! Great job with the Eye Gaze Edge Kennen and Rebekah! :) Keep up the good work everybody. See you on the 6th!

  3. I like to have lots of laughs with you Bek! Thank you Kennen and the Whole "fam jam" for working so hard on behalf of Astonished!
