Monday 18 March 2013

Happy Monday

Hello Out There!

Great news to start our day!  Kennen received a text message informing us that two more organizations are making a donation to our Fundraiser and that their cheques will arrive on Thursday!  Rebekah also came with great news explaining that she and Joy have heard back from one of the 20 organizations they approached and they have received their first YES.  They are eagerly waiting to hear back from the other 19!  It is absolutely fabulous to hear how the community believes in what we are doing and is supporting us as we do it!

Kennen also reported on her weekend with the EYE Gaze Edge.  Kennen moved the calibration dot like lightening!  Great work Kennen.  We are looking forward to watching you work your magic with the Eye Gaze Edge tomorrow! No pressure :)

We ended our day talking about more barriers to recreation and leisure.  The Kin 120 students better prepare themselves for this presentation as they will have the opportunity to learn A LOT.

1 comment:

  1. Nice Work Ladies! It's always good to see what you are up to...:)

