Thursday 28 February 2013

Exploring Connections ...

Rebekah and Joy 
Before arriving at the A!TLC Bonnie had heard from Jessica Lang (a senior Kinesiology student) that Rebekah’s presentation on Wednesday evening went great.  Jessica had invited Rebekah and her mom to present in Therapeutic Recreation 447 (Professional Issues).  Their presentation was titled ‘Family Dynamics with the Birth of a Child with a Disability’.  What a great opportunity for both Rebekah and Joy and especially the TR 447 students!  Great work Rebekah!

After hearing about Rebekah’s presentation our first task for the day was reviewing the proposed schedule for the Spring/Summer term.  Everything is ready to go and we are looking forward to the months a head!  A big thank you goes out to the A!TLC Student Researchers and their families for their feedback and suggestions!

Kennen and her donation
 We also continued to plan for the up and coming fun/fundraiser (April 6th).  We were busy creating a list of potential organizations that we are connected to!  Everyone brought great suggestions to the table.  In the next few weeks we hope to be contacting each organization for a donation (either financial or a product for the silent auction table).  Again, if you want to make a donation please feel free to email bonnie at Kennen has already brought one item for the Silent Auction table ~ thank you Kennen!  It is amazing to watch this community come together and to continually expand!

Kennen and Tanys @ the Inclusion Cafe
Inclusion Cafe 
We ended our day with a trip to the campus pub (the OWL) for our Inclusion Café.   One of the goals of our café is to expand our connections and personal network … we are happy to report that we had a full crowd today!

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