Monday 11 February 2013

Starting the Week Off on the Right Wheel

Kaitlyn Hoar - Guest Lecturer in Kin 120
Wow what a Monday!  Today our time together was eventful! To begin the day we were all delighted about Kaitlyn giving a guest lecture in Kin 120, Kennen conducting her interviews, and Rebekah keeping her Auntie Brenda up all night!

Sylvia, Kennen, Ella, Ruth looking
at Kennen's photo album from her
early years. What an adventurer.

By using non-verbal cues different photos of Kennen were picked to inspire stories about her strengths, needs and dreams.  Photos included pictures of Kennen painting her cottage kitchen yellow, boating & fishing, skyping, and ice fishing!  WOW does she like to fish! Together we learned a lot about Kennen and are excited to learn more as we continue our journey of exploring Kennen's strengths, dreams and needs! Kennen did a brilliant job of facilitating her interviews!

Our official time in the classroom ended with planning for our next Inclusion Cafe at the OWL on February 14th!  We are now sitting in the coffee shop in the lab building at the U of R creating our daily blog and looking forward to Kaitlyn's presentation in 14 minutes.  Both Kaitlyn and Bonnie are excited and nervous!!!
We best get going can't be late for class!

The Student Researchers so proud of  the
Guest Lecturer - Kaitlyn, Rebekah, Kennen


  1. Thanks for another inspiring day. Looking forward to Thursday's Inclusion Cafe and trying the Eye Gaze Edge next weekm Auntie Brenda (by the way Rebekah is a great sleeper)

  2. This blog is really coming along. Great way to keep up to date on what is happening with this Astonishing group. Love the pictures!!

  3. We are really enjoying the blog . I would like to let you know that Kennen is the best hugger ever.
