Tuesday 19 February 2013

Exploring the PATH at the A!TLC

Good Afternoon Everyone!
Heidi was one of the guests today
Today was an important day for Student Researcher, Rebekah Lindenbach! We continued her PATH (a PATH that had begun on February 4) and had a full room and some wonderful guests to work with.  Our experience today left Rebekah (and the rest of us!) with lots to think about and even more to look forward to. Rebekah is excited for things to come including: going on the combine this fall, going to Brandon with her family, leading and teaching at the U of R and within the community, and getting more makeup in her life!  

Judy and Meghan
Thank you to Judy Humphries and Meghan Exner for facilitating the process today.

We encourage you to visit Sue Bland's blog. Sue is the artist behind the first PATH session, in the links below she reflects on the PATH experience with Rebekah.
 The North Star 

Rebekah's PATH party 

Heather and Kennen

Kennen who served as inspiration for Rebekah to want to go on the combine was inspired by Rebekah today.  Kennen is looking forward to continuing her interviews and getting started on her own path.

All of our student researchers are anxiously looking forward to tomorrow and working with the Eye Gaze Edge. Fingers crossed that Kaitlyn is feeling better and will be able to join us tomorrow!  We missed you today!

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