Thursday 7 February 2013

The Brains Behind the Operation

Student Researchers: Rebekah, Kennen, and Kaitlyn

Rebekah Hope Lindenbach
I am 22.  I graduated from Greenall High School in 2012.  I am a Student researcher in the Astonished! Teaching and Learning Centre at the University of Regina.

I love to travel, spend time with friends and family, look for the humour in a situation, be of service to others, and create the Astonished! community.  I am a member of the Astonished! Leadership Team that plans monthly events for young adults with and without complex physical disAbilities.

I know what I want, and after consulting with others, I communicate this clearly through my voice, lip gesture, and eye contact.  I also like to communicate through phone calls, text messages and email.  I have Bulbar Palsy. 

Kaitlyn Stuart Hoar
I am 24.  I graduated from Michael A. Riffel High School in 2009.  I am a Student researcher in the Astonished! Teaching and Learning Centre at the University of Regina.

I love most sports, theatre, good friends, an active social life, and fashion.  I am a wit and have a quick sense of humour.  I am a member of the Astonished! Leadership Team that plans monthly events for young adults with and without complex physical disAbilities.

I  know what I want and communicate this clearly through eye contact, head nod, and vocalizing.  I have Cerebral Palsy.

Kennen Nadine Dorgan
I am 20. I graduated from Grenfell High School in 2011 and I am a Student Researcher in the Astonished! Teaching and Learning Centre at the University of Regina.

I am up for an adventure (depending on what the adventure might be!). I enjoy ice fishing, visiting with friends and family on Skype, summer holidays at my cottage, listening to my friend play guitar, and becoming a city woman - getting to my favorite places with ease.

I know what I want and communicate this clearly through my voice and eye contact. I have Cerebral Palsy.  


  1. Wow, thrilled to meet all of you.Brenda m

  2. I can't wait to see what you 3 capable young ladies can do!! Exciting times! Heather

  3. This is a wonderful blog - format -for Rebekah, Kennen and Kaitlyn. I was immediately drawn to it. It really is brilliant. Tell Becka I said so. luve, ka

  4. I am really looking forward to following your blog and hearing about al your Astonishing adventures! Keep up the good work and I'll check in next week! -Tanys

  5. Hey ladies! It's nice to be able to keep up with you on this website, keep up the awesome work. I love the picture, keep them coming! I'm hoping one day I can come visit your classroom if you guys are okay with that. I can't wait to meet you Kaitlyn, and see Rebekah and my awesome sister Kennen again :). Miss you Kennen, xoxo

  6. Awesome website Kennen! I will definitely be following this and look forward to hearing more.

    From Sasha

  7. This is a terrific idea to blog. Love it! Love the pictures! Keep the updates coming!

  8. I am very excited to have Kennen share this site with me. It really shows me what she has been up to at U of R, sounds like FUN! Great Blog!
    From "Woodsie"

  9. I think this blog is very exciting and a great way to keep up with what you ladies are doing!
