Tuesday 26 February 2013

Here's Looking at You

Hello Everyone!

Long time no communication ~ we were so busy communicating with the Eye Gaze Edge last week that we didn't have time to get to our blog!  For those of who regularly check The Big Sky Centre for Learning and Being Astonished! Inc's website you will know that last week we had the opportunity to spend two full days with Chris Saulnier who works in Training and Technical Services with Compusult (the organization that offers Eye Gaze Edge).  Before filling you in on our thrilling experience a BIG thank you goes out to Brenda MacLauchlan and her business Living Land Communications for bringing Chris and the Eye Gaze Edge to the A!TLC.  Our experience would not have been possible without her time, dedication, huge heart, and sponsorship! THANK YOU BRENDA!

During our two days with the system all three student researchers experienced success.  Each are excited for the loaner system to arrive from Halifax in early-mid March.  This will give each each student researcher, their families, and Astonished! staff more time to become familiar with the system and its operation.

Now.... what you have been waiting for.... each Student Researcher's thoughts:

Kaitlyn and Wendy thought is was an 'eye opening experience'.

Kennen is looking forward to becoming more familiar with the system and accessing Skype on her own!

Rebekah is hoping to try the Eye Gaze Edge out in the comfort of her own home.

On our second day (Thursday) we had a guest join us, Kayla Gibson.  She too had Astonishing success.  Kayla brought great energy to the room and really earned the round of applause that she received.

As we come together today (Monday) and reflect on our time together last week we each can see great potential and are feeling optimistic.   To see a video of our experience click on the following link: Our Experience with Eye Gaze Edge . Another BIG thank you goes out to Tanys for her time putting this video together and for your Astonishing talent!  To check out more of Tanys' talent be sure to look at  tanysrae.com

Until next time!

1 comment:

  1. What an amazing time we had watching all four of you discover that this communication system could work for you. I look forward to working with all of you as you develop you skills, strengths,and expertise. Brenda m
