Tuesday 12 February 2013

Busy at A!TLC ...With Homework & Everything!

Yo Team! (to borrow from the wise words of Ruth Blaser, Astonished! Chair)

Heather and Kennen Dorgan attend to Kaitlyn`s presentation
Again another eventful afternoon!  We are still buzzing from Kaitlyn's presentation in Kin 120!  Kennen was so inspired that she is looking forward to the group presentation in Kin 120 on April 8th!  We can't wait to educate the students about barriers and enablers to recreation, physical activity, and leisure ~ stay tuned!!!

Today we, the A! Student Researchers, got our first homework assignment.  It was not only one homework assignment, but two!!!  There is a lot going on for Thursday's upcoming A!TLC session.  We are going to prepare for Campus For All's Little Black Book Project.  We need to figure out what we are curious about. To get ready for our second Inclusion Cafe we also need to determine what we are looking forward to and how to communicate this to the pub crowd!

We know one thing we are looking forward to! We have been talking to Tanys, Kennen's sister, on helping us create Youtube video(s).  She is hopefully set to come next week when we work on the Eye Gaze Edge System.   Can't wait to see the video she shoots.  For more information on Tanys please visit her website. www.tanysrae.com

Tracy Albinet, Lacey Flichel (back)
Kennen Dorgan, Kaitlyn Hoar,  and Rebekah Lindenbach (front)

We had a surprise visit from the 'Tracy & Lacey' show.  The two young woman who are working on a fundraiser with us for one of their university projects.  They have graciously offered to donate the funds to Astonished! (watch your email and/or the Astonished! webpage for more details).

Off for Coffee!  See you Thursday!


  1. I love hearing about your day and your plans. I look forward to checking you out on Youtube sometime soon. See you Thursday for Inclusion Cafe. Brenda m

  2. I was just checking the blog to see what you've been up to and there I am, mentioned on your blog, thank you for that! I'm VERY excited for the opportunity to build my skills with videography and possibly share a few things about photography with the students (I can talk photography all day if someone will listen, haha). Til we meet on Wednesday! :)

  3. Looking forward to meeting you Tanys! Bonnie CV
