Thursday 16 May 2013

Reflections/Off to Broyhill we go!

Hello out there!

This is just a quick blog to let you know what we have been up to! Yesterday was an awesome day for the A!TLC to take a look at Rebekah's PATH and reflect on all that she had done. As blank pages on the wall became filled with written accomplishments, it was a great thing to see, indeed. No one can deny that it feels pretty darn good to check things off, and that is exactly what Rebekah was able to do! Rebekah's three month goals are nearly in the bag and she is so looking forward to setting new ones. And the A!TLC is delighted to get to support her! In keeping with Rebekah's PATH, today the A!TLC is going back on location to Broyhill so that she can show everyone a wonderful time at her family dairy farm. Although expectations are quite high (it is going to be hard to top Bekah's first Broyhill Bash!), we at the A!TLC are excited and confident that today will be a GOOD day. Stay tuned for pictures and updates....

Thank you for reading!

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