Wednesday 1 May 2013

PATH Work x 2!

Hello out there!

Happy May 1! We are just wrapping up our first day in our new space. For the months of May and June we are going to be in the same room each day in the classroom building. We are delighted.

Today we were minus one - the lovely Kaitlyn Hoar was not at the A!TLC - so we used the time to work on both Kennen and Rebakah's individual PATHS.

For Kennen, who has just begun the initial PATH process, we worked together to compile the strengths that were listed at her great Grenfell interview. As Kennen is extremely modest, it is great to have her agree with the excellent things that her family and friends always say about her. We are also very excited to announce that Kennen is going to be giving a presentation on June 12 and everyone is thrilled to support her in this.

As for Rebekah, she was hard at work making a guest list and an invitation for her upcoming make-up party. Things are coming together and we are all excited (and a little nervous) to get a new look.

The sun is out and things are looking good. We are just about to head down for coffee.  Thank you for reading!

Daily Shout-Outs:

A!TLC would like to say thank you again to the Lindenbach family for their wonderful hospitality last week! And hello Kaitlyn! Hope you had a great day!

Kennen would like to say hello to Carmen (this hello is from both Kennen and Silvia!)

Rebekah would like to say hello to her excellent brothers - Adam, Lucas, and Josh

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