Thursday 2 May 2013

Fun Feedback!

Hello out there!

In honor of new semester beginnings in a new classroom, we thought it would be a good idea to look back at how far we have come and how much we have done. From our first day (January 10!) until now, a good deal has happened!

We began by looking at a slideshow of our many highs (opportunities at the U of R, triumphant presentations, and our Fun/Fundraising event) and a few lows (the NEVER ENDING winter). By all accounts, it was a great reflection.

On to the group work - everyone worked in small groups to review the daily goings on at the A!TLC. For each topic, "Inclusion Cafe" and "Daily Check in" to name a few examples, each Student Researcher was able to say if they liked, didn't like, or were lukewarm about plus some elaboration. Great insight was given and it will be wonderful to take this feedback to apply to the new semester.

And this just in! There has been a change of plans. Following the recommendation of Rebekah, we are going to move our coffee meeting to the pub. Any objections? We think not!

Thanks for reading!

Daily Shout-outs:

Rebekah says a big hello to her friend Arlyce.

Kaitlyn says hi to Lisa and wishes her good luck on Saturday.

Kennen says hi to Liz in Rioverde, S.L.P. And she also says hi to Sara!  


  1. Who knew the Owl would be on summer hours already! It doesn't feel like summer yet. Brenda

  2. Hi Rebekah:
    So nice to hear from you. I'm not very good on the computer so I hope you get this reply.Sounds like your BASH was wonderful.Homemade cinnamon buns to boot.Yummmmm..Hope to see you again soon.
    XOXO Arlyce
