Wednesday 22 May 2013

Living and Loving Literacy!

Hello out there!

We at the A!TLC are EXCITED!
Why, you ask?
Because we are getting ready to launch the new A! Summer Literacy Program!
Kenne, Kaitlyn, and Rebekah, along with three other A! Core Members will begin this new program in mid-June but today was spent as a bit of an introduction for what is to come. It was also an excuse to get creative. Literacy is much more than just reading books.  Rebekah, our A!TLC Inclusion Cafe Server is excited to start reading menus!
And being hip young adults, our Student Researchers are ready to perfect their texting, Facebooking and Skyping skills. It is all literacy and it is all good.
We are about to be put to the test - we have to follow the first clue in a scavenger hunt that Bonnie has put together. Wish us luck (like we need it)!

Daily Shout-outs:

Kennen - Welcome back Tanys and Zoey!


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