Wednesday 1 May 2013

Bekah's Broyhill Bash (Part 1)

Hello out there!

We would like to take some time to tell you about the awesome experience that we all had at Bekah's first Broyhill Bash last Thursday. As part of Rebekah's PATH process, the A!TLC made the trek out to her family dairy farm. And what a good time it was!

The weather - perfection! It was oh so wonderful to catch some rays out on Rebekah's deck. The lucky few remembered their sunglasses...and looked amazing.

There were refreshing drinks and hot homemade cinnamon buns served by Rebekah herself. She even came prepared with an apron! She did a great job of hosting and serving.

As for the cows, well, no one was put to work milking them. But we all came away understanding the daily goings on at the Broyhill Dairy Farm.

The day was an absolute pleasure and we are already looking forward to our return - as long as we promise to keep the giant (but adorable) dogs away from Kennen.

Huge thank you to the Lindenbach family for having us. They made our day great!

There are just too many photos to post!  Here are a couple to peak your curiosity.  For more please visit the Bekaha's Broyhill Bash Photo Album on Facebook

Thanks for reading!

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