Tuesday 28 May 2013


Hello out there!

Today, Kennen's A!TLC experience began with the most universal lesson - if soda pop is shaken, it is only a matter of time before it explodes. A sticky, yet amusing, start to the day!
After we finished laughing, we all got to meet the new A! Literacy/Augmented Communications Coordinator, the lovely Shannon McNabb. With our Literacy Program launching on June 18, it is going to be a darn good summer.
There was a bit of recapping from the A! May 25 AGM. By all accounts, it was a great opportunity to reflect on a very good year.
Kennen finished choosing the content for the A!TLC video to be shown at her June 12 presentation. Speaking of which, it was so great to see the A! shout-out in the church bulletin for the Grenfell UCW!
Rebekah is looking forward to tomorrow's Literacy Strengths, Dreams, and Needs interview and also, her Make-up party! There is a lot to be excited about this week! And in the weeks to come!

Thank you for reading!  

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea to begin with a science experiment on pressure and space. Thanks Kennen for your research : ) Brenda m
