Wednesday 8 May 2013

Feedback on Feedback??

Hello out there!

Yesterday was a continuation of our Winter 2013 Semester evaluation and today we spent a bit of time, well, evaluating our evaluation. Getting feedback for our feedback. :) We at A!TLC are top notch communicators and it is good to know that there are no (or at least, not too many) stones left unturned!
What a week it has been so far...and it is only Wednesday!
We are still on the right PATH (get it?) and there are lots of things happening. Kennen has had a chance to access her strengths, dreams, and needs that came out of her first big interview. They are almost presentation ready and things are coming together. And that's not all! Kennen has been offered a new job as the A!TLC Assistant Photographer! A position that she is excited but nervous for. She has also agreed to put together a photo album to be shared at both her June 12 presentation, and on Facebook.
Speaking of jobs, Rebekah has made it clear that while she is enjoying her serving job, she also might like a bit of a raise. Reasonable  We'll talk, Rebekah... We did talk today about Rebekah's second Broyhill Bash - same conditions apply - bring yourself and your favorite pair of rubber boots!
The A!TLC Inclusion Cafe is going on location tomorrow to Triffon's Pizza on Kramer BLVD. Another familiar haunt in the University experience! We will be there at 3:00 pm if you want to stop by.

Thanks so much for reading!


Both Rebekah and Ella would like to say hello to Ella's mom and dad in Ottawa! Rebekah also says hello to her lovely aunt, Juliann Blaser Lindenbach.

Kennen: Sasha and Tony, I am thinking of you. Congratulations Christopher on your Convocation!

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