Wednesday 29 May 2013

Rebekah's Literacy strengths, dreams, and needs

Hello out there!

This post is short and sweet. The sweetest thing? Rebekah is about to have an interview to determine her literacy strengths, dreams, and needs. This summer's literacy program is all about finding a literacy path that suits each participant and is shaped by their individual strengths, dreams, and needs. Rebekah is confident that whatever comes from today's interview, the A!TLC will be sure to support her with her literacy goals. Lots to look forward to....

Tuesday 28 May 2013


Hello out there!

Today, Kennen's A!TLC experience began with the most universal lesson - if soda pop is shaken, it is only a matter of time before it explodes. A sticky, yet amusing, start to the day!
After we finished laughing, we all got to meet the new A! Literacy/Augmented Communications Coordinator, the lovely Shannon McNabb. With our Literacy Program launching on June 18, it is going to be a darn good summer.
There was a bit of recapping from the A! May 25 AGM. By all accounts, it was a great opportunity to reflect on a very good year.
Kennen finished choosing the content for the A!TLC video to be shown at her June 12 presentation. Speaking of which, it was so great to see the A! shout-out in the church bulletin for the Grenfell UCW!
Rebekah is looking forward to tomorrow's Literacy Strengths, Dreams, and Needs interview and also, her Make-up party! There is a lot to be excited about this week! And in the weeks to come!

Thank you for reading!  

Thursday 23 May 2013

Literacy Interviews begin....

Hello out there!
Today was not a typical A!TLC session, but rather, an interview based around Kennen's literacy strengths,dreams, and needs. Although Kennen was in the spotlight today, don't think that Rebekah and Kaityln are off the hook! Their own literacy interviews are going to take place in the coming weeks.:)

It was an insightful afternoon! Kennen's awesome sister Lynice was able to offer great literacy advice and everyone is excited to get started. Another good thing is that we finished off the day with an excellent Inclusion Cafe at Brewsters. All good things!

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday 22 May 2013

Living and Loving Literacy!

Hello out there!

We at the A!TLC are EXCITED!
Why, you ask?
Because we are getting ready to launch the new A! Summer Literacy Program!
Kenne, Kaitlyn, and Rebekah, along with three other A! Core Members will begin this new program in mid-June but today was spent as a bit of an introduction for what is to come. It was also an excuse to get creative. Literacy is much more than just reading books.  Rebekah, our A!TLC Inclusion Cafe Server is excited to start reading menus!
And being hip young adults, our Student Researchers are ready to perfect their texting, Facebooking and Skyping skills. It is all literacy and it is all good.
We are about to be put to the test - we have to follow the first clue in a scavenger hunt that Bonnie has put together. Wish us luck (like we need it)!

Daily Shout-outs:

Kennen - Welcome back Tanys and Zoey!


Tuesday 21 May 2013

Hello again!

Hello out there!

It is us again, here to tell you about today's A!TLC session. 
Rebekah was happy to catch everyone up with the review work that she did last week. Not that she would brag or anything, but Rebekah has been doing a pretty darn good job of meeting her three month goals. Here's to keeping up the excellent work and to showing off those glorious check marks! Check! 

Speaking of getting things done, Kennen made a lot of progress on her upcoming Grenfell presentation. Kennen worked on her personal photo album (including taking a great pic of Rebekah and Ella today!), selected pictures to go in her A!TLC video, and confirmed the strengths, dreams, and needs from her second interview. It is becoming clear that this presentation is going to be one for the books! 

**Inclusion Cafe is going on location again. If you would like to stop by, you can find us at Brewsters South at 3:00 pm this Thursday! Oh, and we will be on the patio if it is sunny. ;)

Daily Shout-outs:

Rebekah - Josh, Gaby, Mason, and James, Thank you for the sweet weekend visit. 
Kennen - Lynice and Kris, I am glad you are home and thank you for letting me use your Ipad! 

Back to Broyhill!

Hello out there! 

We have got to tell you about the fantastic time that we all had last Thursday at Bekah's 2nd Broyhill Bash!  The itinerary? Begin the day with freshly baked cinnamon buns served by Rebekah herself. SUCH a nice treat and a way to start our Broyhill experience.
With her new position as the A!TLC Assistant Photographer, Kennen was sure to bring her camera to help document the action. Great work!

Now, onto the scavenger hunt.... Rebekah and her mom planned an exciting (but difficult!) list for everyone to complete.  It was an awesome way to tour all of the Lindenbach property and a good opportunity to get a nature fix.
It is safe to say that everyone came away a winner! 

And if we weren't spoiled enough, we finished off the day with ice cream treats on the sunny deck. 
Huge thanks to our lovely hosts for making Broyhill such a fun and welcoming place to be. We can't wait until the next time! 


Thursday 16 May 2013

Reflections/Off to Broyhill we go!

Hello out there!

This is just a quick blog to let you know what we have been up to! Yesterday was an awesome day for the A!TLC to take a look at Rebekah's PATH and reflect on all that she had done. As blank pages on the wall became filled with written accomplishments, it was a great thing to see, indeed. No one can deny that it feels pretty darn good to check things off, and that is exactly what Rebekah was able to do! Rebekah's three month goals are nearly in the bag and she is so looking forward to setting new ones. And the A!TLC is delighted to get to support her! In keeping with Rebekah's PATH, today the A!TLC is going back on location to Broyhill so that she can show everyone a wonderful time at her family dairy farm. Although expectations are quite high (it is going to be hard to top Bekah's first Broyhill Bash!), we at the A!TLC are excited and confident that today will be a GOOD day. Stay tuned for pictures and updates....

Thank you for reading!

Tuesday 14 May 2013

Snapshots and Special Guests

Hello out there!

First off, Kennen did her homework! Her career as the A!TLC Assistant Photographer is well underway. The goal is for Kennen to take a photo each day to build an album from her point of view. She brought her first picture to today's A!TLC. The subject - Her sister's boyfriend, Kris. This pic was taken right before his University graduation and, dare we say, Kris has never looked better! Today, Kennen took a picture of pages filled with her strengths, dreams, and needs from her second interview. Click!
We have big plans for the days to come and look forward to sharing Kennen's snapshots with you.

And speaking of Kennen's second interview, after we all recovered from hearing the sounds of our own voices, we wrote out all of the strengths, dreams, and needs that we heard. Listening to a room filled with that much love and support was very good to hear, indeed.

We were all delighted to have a very dear friend of Rebekah's at our daily coffee. Today we were joined by Barbara Barnett, someone who has known Rebekah for over half of her life! Rebekah and Barbara had a great chance to catch up and everyone agreed that Barbara was a wonderful addition to coffee time. Cheers!

Daily Shout-outs:

Brenda - I am glad that you did not get lost today. ;)
Ruth: I hope that you had a good eye appointment and am happy that you decided not to ride your bike!
Barbara: Thanks so much for coming to the University for a visit!

Good luck to Reed and Renee with the big move!

What's up Kaitlyn? ;) Missed you today!
Broyhill, get ready for us! We are coming soon!  

Wednesday 8 May 2013

Feedback on Feedback??

Hello out there!

Yesterday was a continuation of our Winter 2013 Semester evaluation and today we spent a bit of time, well, evaluating our evaluation. Getting feedback for our feedback. :) We at A!TLC are top notch communicators and it is good to know that there are no (or at least, not too many) stones left unturned!
What a week it has been so far...and it is only Wednesday!
We are still on the right PATH (get it?) and there are lots of things happening. Kennen has had a chance to access her strengths, dreams, and needs that came out of her first big interview. They are almost presentation ready and things are coming together. And that's not all! Kennen has been offered a new job as the A!TLC Assistant Photographer! A position that she is excited but nervous for. She has also agreed to put together a photo album to be shared at both her June 12 presentation, and on Facebook.
Speaking of jobs, Rebekah has made it clear that while she is enjoying her serving job, she also might like a bit of a raise. Reasonable  We'll talk, Rebekah... We did talk today about Rebekah's second Broyhill Bash - same conditions apply - bring yourself and your favorite pair of rubber boots!
The A!TLC Inclusion Cafe is going on location tomorrow to Triffon's Pizza on Kramer BLVD. Another familiar haunt in the University experience! We will be there at 3:00 pm if you want to stop by.

Thanks so much for reading!


Both Rebekah and Ella would like to say hello to Ella's mom and dad in Ottawa! Rebekah also says hello to her lovely aunt, Juliann Blaser Lindenbach.

Kennen: Sasha and Tony, I am thinking of you. Congratulations Christopher on your Convocation!

Thursday 2 May 2013

Fun Feedback!

Hello out there!

In honor of new semester beginnings in a new classroom, we thought it would be a good idea to look back at how far we have come and how much we have done. From our first day (January 10!) until now, a good deal has happened!

We began by looking at a slideshow of our many highs (opportunities at the U of R, triumphant presentations, and our Fun/Fundraising event) and a few lows (the NEVER ENDING winter). By all accounts, it was a great reflection.

On to the group work - everyone worked in small groups to review the daily goings on at the A!TLC. For each topic, "Inclusion Cafe" and "Daily Check in" to name a few examples, each Student Researcher was able to say if they liked, didn't like, or were lukewarm about plus some elaboration. Great insight was given and it will be wonderful to take this feedback to apply to the new semester.

And this just in! There has been a change of plans. Following the recommendation of Rebekah, we are going to move our coffee meeting to the pub. Any objections? We think not!

Thanks for reading!

Daily Shout-outs:

Rebekah says a big hello to her friend Arlyce.

Kaitlyn says hi to Lisa and wishes her good luck on Saturday.

Kennen says hi to Liz in Rioverde, S.L.P. And she also says hi to Sara!  

Wednesday 1 May 2013

PATH Work x 2!

Hello out there!

Happy May 1! We are just wrapping up our first day in our new space. For the months of May and June we are going to be in the same room each day in the classroom building. We are delighted.

Today we were minus one - the lovely Kaitlyn Hoar was not at the A!TLC - so we used the time to work on both Kennen and Rebakah's individual PATHS.

For Kennen, who has just begun the initial PATH process, we worked together to compile the strengths that were listed at her great Grenfell interview. As Kennen is extremely modest, it is great to have her agree with the excellent things that her family and friends always say about her. We are also very excited to announce that Kennen is going to be giving a presentation on June 12 and everyone is thrilled to support her in this.

As for Rebekah, she was hard at work making a guest list and an invitation for her upcoming make-up party. Things are coming together and we are all excited (and a little nervous) to get a new look.

The sun is out and things are looking good. We are just about to head down for coffee.  Thank you for reading!

Daily Shout-Outs:

A!TLC would like to say thank you again to the Lindenbach family for their wonderful hospitality last week! And hello Kaitlyn! Hope you had a great day!

Kennen would like to say hello to Carmen (this hello is from both Kennen and Silvia!)

Rebekah would like to say hello to her excellent brothers - Adam, Lucas, and Josh

Tuesday April 30th

SNOW DAY.... can you believe it?  Yet another day cancelled due to poor road conditions and terrible weather.  Missing the sun that we experienced at Bekah's Broyhill Bash last Thursday!

Bekah's Broyhill Bash (Part 1)

Hello out there!

We would like to take some time to tell you about the awesome experience that we all had at Bekah's first Broyhill Bash last Thursday. As part of Rebekah's PATH process, the A!TLC made the trek out to her family dairy farm. And what a good time it was!

The weather - perfection! It was oh so wonderful to catch some rays out on Rebekah's deck. The lucky few remembered their sunglasses...and looked amazing.

There were refreshing drinks and hot homemade cinnamon buns served by Rebekah herself. She even came prepared with an apron! She did a great job of hosting and serving.

As for the cows, well, no one was put to work milking them. But we all came away understanding the daily goings on at the Broyhill Dairy Farm.

The day was an absolute pleasure and we are already looking forward to our return - as long as we promise to keep the giant (but adorable) dogs away from Kennen.

Huge thank you to the Lindenbach family for having us. They made our day great!

There are just too many photos to post!  Here are a couple to peak your curiosity.  For more please visit the Bekaha's Broyhill Bash Photo Album on Facebook

Thanks for reading!