Thursday 26 September 2013

The quickest blog in the world!

Hello out there! 

It has been quite the week! We spent our Tuesday with the DC class at the BEAUTIFUL Douglas Park School. The space was lovely and well set up and the hospitality was fabulous. :) The DC Students were aged 8 - 11 and it was a pleasure to meet them. Our Student Researchers did a wonderful job breaking the ice and getting to know everyone. We are looking forward to getting together again in October and November. It is the start of a beautiful friendship and mentorship..... 

We feel a bit gloomy about the rain this week. :(  Bekah's Broyhill Bash was called off again and there was disappointment all around. Wishing Joy a Happy Belated Birthday. It would have been a pleasure for the A!TLC to have come and spent your birthday with you.  Rebekah, it is going to be worth the wait, we just know it. :) 

Wishing Jenna and Silvia very happy birthdays today! Silvia, hope that your midnight birthday serenade went well! Jenna, have a wonderful time celebrating! You deserve it. Oh! and Happy Anniversary! 

We have to go now....gotta love Inclusion Cafe days! See you at the bar! 

Rebekah - Hello Susan! Hope your flight went well. Wish that we were in Charlottetown to meet you. 



  1. Hey guys! I miss you all, and hope to see you on Sunday!! I'm excited

    1. We miss you, too! Thanks for coming to the party on Sunday!
