Tuesday 1 October 2013

First of the Month!

Hello out there!

It is the first of October and it marks the first anniversary of Rebekah and Jenna working together and being super awesome best friends! Happy Anniversary, you two!

We would like to thank Randy Johner for having us in her SW 479 class yesterday. Our presentation went great and we feel so good about it! It was a pleasure!

And speaking of our presentation...SURPRISE! We are going to be giving another one this Thursday at the University's Centre for Teaching and Learning. Yes, it is last minute. Yes, we are going to rock it!


We continued our exploration of the hashtag and might have even gotten our own Twitter account......

Kelsey may have a very confused Stepdad after he received #brownsugarbacon. LOL

Rebekah is excited that big PATH things are happening and wants us to stay tuned!

Avery is excited to rest up for tomorrow....hopefully this darn cold will be gone by then!

Daily Shout Outs:

The A!TLC would like to send our best wishes to all of the U of R residents that have been affected by the flood. Take care, you guys.

1 comment:

  1. Love it that you " might even have gotten yuor own Twitter account" -that is the thing about Social Media - you can never be sure if it is really there : ) Brenda
