Wednesday 23 October 2013

Flipping the bird!

Hello out there!
Inside joke title...let's just say it was a fabulous and funny day at the ol' A!TLC! We started slow and Avery feared that she might be the only Student Researcher in the room. But then in burst Kaitlyn, Kennen, and Rebekah (we miss you on Wednesdays, Kelsey!) and there were stories and GOOD NEWS (a secret, for now!) and the fun really began. We worked hard on the One Page Project and tried to come up with creative ways to explain "who" we are.  Things are looking good and each page will be really, really great (if we do say so ourselves).
Rebekah was so happy to have her very dear friend, Barbara join us for coffee today. Rebekah met Barbara in the Ad Hum Building and showed her the way to coffee - which is a great thing because Barbara said that she might have gotten lost otherwise! :)
Join us, join us, join us for Inclusion Café at the Owl tomorrow! As usual, it will be a very good time indeed. 

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