Thursday 3 October 2013

Tweet! Tweet!

Hello out there!

Number one - We did get Twitter! Follow us, if you are so inclined - Being Astonished @ATLCintheQC.
Clearly, Social Media is where it's at! #brownsugarbacon

Number two - We are going to have a few great guests to the A!TLC on Tuesday. Ready for epic check-ins and planning for the UN International Day of Persons with Disabilities (happening on December 3rd!).

Number three: We have to jet because we are off to our second presentation of the week! Thanks for the invitation from the U of R's Centre for Learning and Teaching. Wish us luck!

Thanks for reading. Have a great day, everyone.

p.s. Here is a wonderful photo that Kennen took today during her photography session with Brenda MacLauchlan

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