Tuesday 17 September 2013

Checking in!

Hello out there!

We have to say, today's check-in was pretty epic! Everyone had an interesting story to tell and we learned A LOT! What a great start to an A!TLC day.
We would also say, get ready Douglas Park! There are some good plans in place and it is going to be a FUN fieldtrip. Now, we just have to get making those ice-breaking butterflies! We will explain later, promise!
Fingers are crossed for no rain tomorrow so that we can go and cheer on Rebekah as she rides the combine....and so Rebekah can see the surprise that we have prepared for her. No Hints!  Kennen is so looking forward to having Tanys and Zoey join us at Broyhill.
It was an absolute pleasure to read the beautiful A! newsletter today. Thanks so much for your lovely words, Brenda MacLauchlan.
It was so great to have Dalton join us at coffee today! Thank you for introducing him to us, Avery! The two friends go way, way back....
Now we are just waiting for Kelsey's friend Courtney to join us for the tail end of coffee - the two ladies are going to hang out and catch up at the University even after the rest of us go home!  
And Kaitlyn, it was so great to see your face at coffee! Such a lovely face to see. :)

Daily Shout Outs:

Kaitlyn - Excited to see you tonight, Courtney!

Kennen - Excited to see you at Broyhill, Tanys and Zoey!  

Rebekah - Hello to the Rae Street Crew!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry it is raining. I was really looking forward to being on the combine with you today Rebekah. Let's hope for sun nextt Wednesday. Hope you can join us thenTanis and Zoe. Brenda
