Thursday 19 September 2013

Fire Safety and beyond!

Hello out there!

Today was a big day for Fire Safety. We had the University's Wally Hurlbert come in to the A!TLC to help us be better prepared in case of emergency. There will be no reason to be alarmed when the fire alarm goes off! Each fabulous Student Researcher helped with a real life demonstration of where to go in case of cramming themselves into the stairwell! Everyone was AWESOME. Now, here's hoping for some strong and handsome firefighters if a fire situation ever comes up. :)

We are ready and so excited about our Douglas Park Fieldtrip on September 24! There are some great activities planed and it will be a great time. Big thanks to Deanna Apperley for inviting us!

Then September 25 will be our rain checked day for Bekah's Broyhill Bash. Fingers are crossed big time for a beautiful day!

Tired was an understatement for Avery after the hectic time she had in Saskatoon yesterday - regardless of that, she was an absolute gem.

Kelsey was the opposite of tired thanks for her very first French vanilla latte!

Rebekah was thrilled about her "take your Brenda to work" day.

Kennen got another photography session under her belt. Keep up the great work!

Kaitlyn is super excited about her big weekend to party with Courtney, Kyla, and company....

Thanks for reading!

Daily Shout Outs:

Rebekah - HI RUTH!

Kaitlyn - What's up, Bailey?

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