Thursday 26 September 2013

The quickest blog in the world!

Hello out there! 

It has been quite the week! We spent our Tuesday with the DC class at the BEAUTIFUL Douglas Park School. The space was lovely and well set up and the hospitality was fabulous. :) The DC Students were aged 8 - 11 and it was a pleasure to meet them. Our Student Researchers did a wonderful job breaking the ice and getting to know everyone. We are looking forward to getting together again in October and November. It is the start of a beautiful friendship and mentorship..... 

We feel a bit gloomy about the rain this week. :(  Bekah's Broyhill Bash was called off again and there was disappointment all around. Wishing Joy a Happy Belated Birthday. It would have been a pleasure for the A!TLC to have come and spent your birthday with you.  Rebekah, it is going to be worth the wait, we just know it. :) 

Wishing Jenna and Silvia very happy birthdays today! Silvia, hope that your midnight birthday serenade went well! Jenna, have a wonderful time celebrating! You deserve it. Oh! and Happy Anniversary! 

We have to go now....gotta love Inclusion Cafe days! See you at the bar! 

Rebekah - Hello Susan! Hope your flight went well. Wish that we were in Charlottetown to meet you. 


Thursday 19 September 2013

Fire Safety and beyond!

Hello out there!

Today was a big day for Fire Safety. We had the University's Wally Hurlbert come in to the A!TLC to help us be better prepared in case of emergency. There will be no reason to be alarmed when the fire alarm goes off! Each fabulous Student Researcher helped with a real life demonstration of where to go in case of cramming themselves into the stairwell! Everyone was AWESOME. Now, here's hoping for some strong and handsome firefighters if a fire situation ever comes up. :)

We are ready and so excited about our Douglas Park Fieldtrip on September 24! There are some great activities planed and it will be a great time. Big thanks to Deanna Apperley for inviting us!

Then September 25 will be our rain checked day for Bekah's Broyhill Bash. Fingers are crossed big time for a beautiful day!

Tired was an understatement for Avery after the hectic time she had in Saskatoon yesterday - regardless of that, she was an absolute gem.

Kelsey was the opposite of tired thanks for her very first French vanilla latte!

Rebekah was thrilled about her "take your Brenda to work" day.

Kennen got another photography session under her belt. Keep up the great work!

Kaitlyn is super excited about her big weekend to party with Courtney, Kyla, and company....

Thanks for reading!

Daily Shout Outs:

Rebekah - HI RUTH!

Kaitlyn - What's up, Bailey?

Tuesday 17 September 2013

Checking in!

Hello out there!

We have to say, today's check-in was pretty epic! Everyone had an interesting story to tell and we learned A LOT! What a great start to an A!TLC day.
We would also say, get ready Douglas Park! There are some good plans in place and it is going to be a FUN fieldtrip. Now, we just have to get making those ice-breaking butterflies! We will explain later, promise!
Fingers are crossed for no rain tomorrow so that we can go and cheer on Rebekah as she rides the combine....and so Rebekah can see the surprise that we have prepared for her. No Hints!  Kennen is so looking forward to having Tanys and Zoey join us at Broyhill.
It was an absolute pleasure to read the beautiful A! newsletter today. Thanks so much for your lovely words, Brenda MacLauchlan.
It was so great to have Dalton join us at coffee today! Thank you for introducing him to us, Avery! The two friends go way, way back....
Now we are just waiting for Kelsey's friend Courtney to join us for the tail end of coffee - the two ladies are going to hang out and catch up at the University even after the rest of us go home!  
And Kaitlyn, it was so great to see your face at coffee! Such a lovely face to see. :)

Daily Shout Outs:

Kaitlyn - Excited to see you tonight, Courtney!

Kennen - Excited to see you at Broyhill, Tanys and Zoey!  

Rebekah - Hello to the Rae Street Crew!

Wednesday 11 September 2013

Fun and games!

Hello out there!

Today we had a wonderful day with some old literacy throwbacks – 4 pics/1 word, reading “Can you Keep a Secret?” and reviewing Letter-Sound Correspondence – and then all we played a new game called “Apples to Apples” . Although Kaitlyn was a wonderful 4 pics/1 word instructor, Rebekah preferred “Apples to Apples” just a little bit more. J We all discovered that men are “comical”, Bill Clinton” is absurd, and pyramids are “mystical”. Very good!

We are so excited about our Inclusion Café tomorrow from 2:30 – 4:00! The location is still The Owl, which is our on campus pub. It will be super fun and a great way to toast a busy week!

Although minors are not able to join us at the pub, anyone is invited to our daily coffee (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 3:00 – 4:00) which happens in the very minor-friendly laboratory café. (Hint,hint, Tanys and Zoey!).  


Thanks so much for reading!

Tuesday 10 September 2013

Back in the swing of things - new fun, new faces, new semester!

Hello out there!

It has been a real whirlwind at the University of Regina! The A!TLC is BACK for a new fall semester and Kelsey Culbert and Avery Ottenbreit have joined our team! Welcome, Avery and Kelsey AND Welcome back Kennen, Kaitlyn, and Rebekah! It is a very good time to be a Student Researcher, indeed. We have lots of new stuff going on as well as the happy return of our old routines, like, for instance, Inclusion Cafe! By popular demand, we have increased the Inclusion Cafe hours - you can now find us at the Owl on the second and fourth Thursday of each month from 2:30 - 4:00. We are having our first Inclusion Cafe this Thursday, September 12. Come on down and join us! Looking forward to it.
Kelsey Culbert, Avery Ottenbreit, Rebekah Lindenbach (back row)
Kennen Dorgan, Kaitlyn Hoar (front row)

For Rebekah, there is a BIG something to look forward to - next Wednesday, a PATH dream of hers will be coming true as she rides a combine to help her family with their busy harvest. The A!TLC is so excited to be there to support her.

Kennen is so excited about her ongoing photography mentorship with Brenda MacLauchlan.

As for Kaitlyn, she cannot wait to get her PATH process back on track and to set and reach new and wonderful goals.

We are all so excited to get to know Avery and Kelsey a bit better and to have them with us at the University this semester!

Daily Shout Outs:

Kaitlyn - Hi Lee!

Rebekah - Hi mom! Great job with your very busy week (you might even be to busy to read this ;)  )