Wednesday 5 June 2013

Rebekah and Kennen sandwich?

Hello out there!

Kaitlyn will be back at the A!TLC next Tuesday, and that is very good news indeed.

Today, we started out with the bread - Kennen bread, to be precise - we viewed the first draft of the A!TLC slideshow that will be shown at Kennen's Grenfell presentation. Links to this very blog, and to the A! website and facebook accounts will be included in this slideshow and we are hoping to come away from June 12 with a few more followers, visitors, and "likers". :)

Now onto the cheese - We listened to Rebekah's Literacy strengths, dreams, and needs interview and she she told us what was what! A highlight? Rebekah confirming that she is great at answering questions...after answering dozens of questions. Big laughs all around!

Back to the bread - Kennen worked on her photo album and everyone got to pick their favorite photo that she has taken so far. Encouraging and inspiring! Her album is looking darn GOOD.

The dessert? Inclusion cafe tomorrow at Brewsters South! 3:00 pm. Come raise a glass to Rebekah's awesome aunt Ruth for her birthday.

Daily Shout-Outs:

Rebekah - Happy early birthday, Ruth! And what's up, Dad! 

Kennen - Excited to see you this weekend, Tanys and Zoe! 

A!TLC: SO great to see you last night, Kaitlyn. We can't wait to see you next week. 

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