Tuesday 4 June 2013

Fun with I-Movie!

Hello out there!

Today was a real team effort and an experiment with the I-Movie program. We all worked together and after a few tries and a few discarded (cringe-worthy) royalty-free song choices, we now have the beginnings of a great A!TLC video to show the folks in Grenfell!
It was also a big day for assistant photographers! Kennen was presented an official contract for an A!TLC Assistant Photographer gig. This is an internship position that will allow her to learn as she goes and encourages seeking out different photographic subjects and opportunities. Fortunately Kennen already has a great eye for detail!
We will be having our Inclusion Cafe this Thursday (June 6 - Rebekah's aunt Ruth's birthday!) at Brewsters South at 3:00. All are more than welcome to join.  

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