Wednesday 19 June 2013

Lovely Literacy!

Hello out there!

Our literacy program has begun! It is oh-so-good to be on a summer literacy PATH. Today was all about assessments (THESE ARE NOT TESTS, right, Kennen, Rebekah, and Kaitlyn??) so that program instructors can make all the best decisions about individual instructional goals and content.
Assessment # 1 was about Sound Blending and once we got used to the words and silly symbols, everyone did a great job. ;)  Less successful was our beat-boxing youtube video break - maybe too much sound blending for anyone's liking.  LOL
We will also be ending each day with shared reading. The best news? Everyone has selected their own awesome book to read.

Our summer reading list?

Kaitlyn - The Immortals

Rebekah - Hatchet

Kennen - Penelope

We are already looking forward to tomorrow....

Daily Shout-outs:

Kaitlyn - What's up, Mary? Big thanks to Lynice for the book!

Kennen - Lynice, thank you for all the help. Looking forward to your next text. :)

Rebekah - Hi Brenda! Can't wait to see all of your beautiful photos.

1 comment:

  1. Hey guys! I feel loved! I hope you like the book, I love Tamora Pierce, I have read most of her books, if you like it I'll bring my favourite one home for you to read. Kennen, I love texting you, it makes me happy when I see a text from you. I hope you are learning lots, when I see you you can show me what you've done!
