Monday 8 April 2013

No Time to Pause

Hello Out There!

No time to pause around here, we are busy busy!  Our Fun/Fundraiser on Saturday was an overwhelming success.  For now we will continue to say thank you to our sponsors and donors as well as our family and friends.  We plan to do a separate blog post dedicated to the fun/fundraiser ....stay tuned.

Today we are delivering our barrier presentation in Kin 120.  We have developed a jeopardy presentation highlighting the various barriers we have experienced to leisure, recreation and physical activity over our lives.  We also made a video comprised of photos of us recreating over the years.  Thank you once again to Tanys Archibald for your time and talent!  Going into the presentation we feel good....and a little nervous. Headed out shortly....wish us luck!

Daily Shout Outs!

A!TLC ~ Thank you to everyone for coming out on Saturday night!  We had a blast and hope you did too.

Kennen ~ Thank you to all of my family and friends who came to the fundraiser to support me and celebrate my 21st birthday!

Kaitlyn ~ Hello Mary!  I hope to see you at the Inclusion Cafe this Thursday.  3:00 pm at the OWL

Rebekah ~ Happy Belated Birthday to Dr. Jill Blaser in Saskatoon.

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