Thursday 18 April 2013

Hello from WRC

Hello Out There!

What a day! Today we had a wonderful tour of Wascana Rehabilitation Centre thanks to our excellent
tour guide Rebekah Lindenbach.  We also want to thank Pascal, an Astonished! core member, for her expertise.  They showed us the auditorium (which we hope to be able to book for Tuesday to show our Kin 120 barriers and enablers presentation and to watch a movie), 2 atrium spaces, the location where Rebekah and Kaitlyn's school used to be, the pool, and the cafeteria.

We are now enjoying a variety of hot and cold beverages at the cafeteria.

We hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

Daily Shout Outs
A!TLC ~ Thanks to WRC for having a personal care space available for us
Kaitlyn ~ Hi to Mary and have a good trip!
Rebekah ~ Hi to Dad have those cows ready for the bash next Thursday!


  1. I tend to think of Wascana Rehab as our 'community centre' - over the years it has been a place for school, pool, coffee shop, home base for many friend's, chair design and repair shop, physiotherapy support, and Friday Flyer Night. Did you meet Arlene and Laurie and Dr. Fink? They are a must for your next trip.

    1. Woops, forgot to sign my name to that message - Brenda m
