Tuesday 9 April 2013

Dang We're Good

Hello Out There...
Silvia, Kennen, and Ella

Well our presentations for the Winter 2013 semester are complete...... that is four if we are counting!  Yesterday the student researchers rocked their presentation in Kin 120. Kennen shone in the front with Silvia and Ella and Rebekah and Kaitlyn shared their expertise from the back.  Through personal examples the student researchers shared their knowledge on enablers and barriers to recreation, leisure and physical activity. The Kin 120 students appreciated the practical examples to reinforce the academic literature they learned the previous week.

Today we were part of a workshop series for the University of Regina's Centre for Teaching and Learning.  Our presentation included a description of The Big Sky Centre for Learning and Being Astonished! inc, an overview of the A!TLC, and the Roles of a Student Researcher.  Our presentation will eventually be posted to their website.  We will be sure to link to it once it is ready.

We are now enjoying a coffee in one of the common areas of the U of R.
Kennen, Ella, and Rebekah

Daily Shout Outs!

A!TLC ~ thank you to the Centre for Student Accessibility for inviting us to be part of the workshop series.

Rebekah ~  Hello to Lynn Blaser  and JVO in Toronto.

Kennen ~ No shout out for today.


  1. Very impressive Astonished! TLC Student Researchers and Staff. Dang! you ARE GOOD!


  2. Still loving the blog! Keep the pictures coming.

  3. Kennen has been keeping me up to date on this blog. It is very interesting research!!! It is very important to find the areas needing attention, as well as finding accessible areas as well. Good work Kennen and peeps!


  4. Hi ladies, I know we are a little late in responding but we have been having technological issues. Anyways, we thought you all looked great on Saturday night! The silent auction was a great idea and really fun. We had a blast and are looking forward to the next fundraiser!
