Tuesday 23 April 2013

A!TLC visits Earls

Hello Out There,

Sorry for not posting yesterday!  We moved A!TLC from the U of R to Earls on South Albert Street and changed our hours from the afternoon to the evening.  We all met at Earls and enjoyed a nice supper together.  We were so busy eating and visiting that we forgot to take pictures ~ sorry!  To our delight also saw a friendly face ~ turns out Tracy works at Earls in her 'spare' time.  It was great to see her and we hope to run in to her again!  Lauren Vickaryous (Bonnie's toddler) also joined in on the fun.  This was her first time meeting all of the gang!  

After our fabulous dinner we headed to Rebekah's Rae Street home to continue our great conversations.  Kaitlyn also got to spend some time with Edgy (Eye Gaze Edge).  It was a great time for all!

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