Wednesday 5 February 2014

This and that and this!

Hello out there!

Hope that everyone is keeping warm  (or doing their very best!)!
Lots to do with our to-do lists....lots of fun things! Rebekah is excited to have some Spanish lessons on her list - to learn at least four words/session with the lovely tutor Silvia (with some help from the wonderful Spanish speaking Gabi!). Kennen is busy searching for some photographic inspiration (and coming up with some great ideas!) and Kelsey and Kaitlyn have some major work to do with their Kin 120 presentation on February 13th. It will come together nicely, we are sure!

Today was filled with PATH work and also some epic tangents - ever wonder how everyone at the A!TLC got their name? We no longer have to! :)   And now that we are name experts, Adam and Brit, if you are looking for any suggestions, we are ready for ya!
We also learned that there is a yogabiebs classs offered in Toronto - Yes, this is yoga inspired by the soothing pop hits of Justin Beiber. Thanks, but no thanks. We will have to pass on this one!
This week is a bit of an Inclusion Cafe dry spell....we are caught between the fifth Thursday of January and the first Thursday of February....looking forward to some pub fun next Thursday, February 13th.

Thanks so much for reading and take care!

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