Friday 24 January 2014

Finishing up UN day questions (at last!)


Hello out there!

We have had a wonderful week at A!TLC and are happy to report that we finally had the chance to finish part two of Kennen's PATH!  We have a lot of work ahead and a whole lot to look forward to. The A!TLC crew is so excited to help you reach all those great goals you set, Kennen!

It's that time again! We have an Inclusion Cafe today....rough lives, we know! Rebekah, we will miss you as our server today! BUT before we head down to the pub, Kelsey and our awesome winter 2014 practicum student, Angel are going to teach us a lesson for our Techno Thursday!

And one more thing!
As promised, here are the last of our UN day questions:

What types of programs does Astonished! have?

We offer 4 programs, including this one - The A!TLC....
 Here, Astonished! staff work to support each Student Researcher as they each determine and navigate a PATH (Planning Alternative Futures with Hope) unique to them. Here, young adults with complex physical disAbilities are leadersand work with faculty, students, and the wider community in research, learning, and teaching about inclusion.

The Astonished! Social Club: 
The Astonished! Social Club is a monthly recreation, leisure, or social gathering for Core-Members, families, and friends. Astonished! contracts with a 5 member team of vibrant young adults with and without complex physical disAbilities to plan and carry out inclusive, social, recreational, and cultural events for young adults with complex physical disAbilities and the wider community. The Social Club offers a wide variety events, such as an upcoming Spa Night on January 31 and  Cougar Hockey Games on February 7 & 8!

Communication Technology and Literacy:
Our Communication Technology and Literacy program works to to enhance inclusion opportunities with young adults who do not have easy spoken language.
On June 18th, 2013 we began a summer pilot program to explore the literacy strengths, dreams, and needs of our Astonished! Core Members. This Literacy Program was a great success...and FUN! The Astonished! Team is looking forward to offering this program again in summer 2014. 

Mentorship for Employment:  
Astonished! is partnering with public funding organizations to support the employment dreams of our core members. Our first initiative was with our Face Book manager, Ryan Ross and we are establishing a process for further mentorship opportunities.
Why did you choose Astonished (to come to the A!TLC)?
"It seemed like the right fit for me".
"The A!TLC tries to give you the foundation you need to help you do the things you want to do".
 "It is great to see all of the opportunities that A!TLC can provide me with"
The A!TLC provides programming that aims to be truly individualised.
The content and activities that take place in the A!TLC are age-appropriate and aimed at helping each Student Researcher reach their goals. The A!TLC sees great value in the importance of being social....a chance to go for coffee or to the University pub for Inclusion CafĂ© is a vital part of the post-secondary education experience! 

For Kennen, Rebekah, and Kelsey - How did you become mentors in SW 479 for the fall 2013 semester?

Kaitlyn led the way! We were all impressed with Kaitlyn's experience as a mentor in fall 2012. Kaitlyn was able to deliver a presentation, make some great friends, and even make a little money in her mentorship role! We were offered the gig by SW 479 prof. Randy Johner . Randy was wonderful and quick to set our minds at ease and make us feel good about being mentors.
Everyone did good work...and a huge shout out goes to Rebekah for going to the front of the class to deliver a presentation for the very first time!   

1 comment:

  1. Love this post- I always learn so much. Thanks. Brenda
