Tuesday 23 September 2014

Hey, Rebekah!

Hello out there!

SO, it's been a loooooong time since our last post, folks.

The A!TLC Fall 2014 Semester began on September 3 with thoughts of Student Researcher, Rebekah Lindenbach, who had become extremely ill and had been admitted to the Intensive Care Unit of the hospital. Rebekah's wonderful family, friends, and A! community rallied around Rebekah in full force and continue to do so now. Rebekah who is amazing, and a fighter (a real Rocky Balboa!), is now in the process of returning to her strong self in the comfort of her own home(s), We are all ready to support her and CELEBRATE all the milestones in her recovery.

Rebekah -We wish to give YOU the shout outs today as we think about just how much we are missing you.

These sentiments come from everyone in the room at the time that this blog was created:

Kelsey: "I hope to see you at Inclusion Cafe ASAP!"
Avery: "I am excited to come and see you! And I will make sure to bring my world-traveler parents with me."
Kaitlyn: "Can't wait to see you. SO glad that you are on the recovery road."
Kennen: "I just want to see you."
Wendy: "Rocky, keep up the great work."
Ella: "Lovely lady! I cannot wait to see you!" xoxo
Silvia: "Abrazo (hug) for you! See you soon."
Courtney: "I am looking forward to getting to know you!"

We are SO excited to see you, Rebekah.

We are also excited this week for Jake Sawa, a wonderful Kin. student t the U of R, to teach us how to hip hop dance! We have Jake coming to the A!TLC tomorrow to teach us a few moves....and have invited all of our awesome Core Members to join us (and Jake!) for "A! Dance Project" on Thursday. It will all be easy-going, relaxed, and super FUN.

One last thing! Our favorite, Inclusion Cafe  is also happening this Thursday at the Owl from 2:30 - 4:00. Come and hang out. Lots to look forward to, that's for darn sure!

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