Wednesday 23 April 2014

Lovely April

Hello out there!

Hope everyone is having a lovely April so far. Things at the A!TLC are going along nicely!
Today the group is split, as some of our A!TLC gals are attending the CPA's "Discovering the Power in Me" workshop at the Wascana Rehabilitation Centre. Kesley and Avery have each taken this workshop already (and highly recommended it to the others!), and will spend the day with regularly scheduled programming at the University. Here, Avery might spend some time prepping for her highly anticipated trip to Mexico and Kelsey might work on some practice speeches for Toastmasters, a public speaking organization that she is soon becoming a member of....
Something that we are all really EXCITED about is happening TOMORROW at Rebekah's house (thank you so much to our lovely hostess and her roommates!). Why are we on location at Rebekah's place? We are going to celebrate all of the successes that Kennen has made to date with her transition plan from Grenfell High School to A!TLC. It is going to be a wonderful time and a great reason to have a party! Kennen, we are so proud of you and all of your hard work.
Next week we are going to cheer on our friends at the U of R's Campus For All program at their year-end showcase. More huge accomplishments,here! Congratulations to all of the CFA students on their achievements this year and thank you so much for the invite! 
The last official day of our Winter 2014 A!TLC Semester is on May 1 (we know, we know, it has been officially SPRING for a while now!) and we are going to mark it with an off-campus lunch + a shopping excursion to celebrate! Looking back on all the good things that we have done, makes us really pumped for the Spring 2014 Semester to begin...fortunately there is no real time to wait - Spring 2014 Semester begins May 6th! ;) 

Thank you for reading, folks! 

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