Monday 24 March 2014

Lots to be thankful for AND lots to look forward to!

Hello out there!

Let's catch up.... 
Well, we at the A!TLC have been having a very good time, indeed!
First, can we talk about the whirlwind that was our 2nd Annual Fundraiser? We worked hard in the weeks (ok , months!) leading up to this event - we were so eager to give everyone a wonderful experience! On March 8th, 2014, the wings on our wheels were out in full force - a room filled with excellent people, captivating entertainment, lively fundraising activities, and delicious food. And we did not even mention the dance, hosted by our great Core Members! The dance playlist was selected by our A! Leadership Team....Kaitlyn made darn sure that Beyonce's "Single Ladies" was one of the first songs to play! All in all, we had a fantastic time (Ella: "Kelsey, what was your favorite part of the fundraiser?" Kelsey: "OMG, everything!" )and cannot begin to tell you just how grateful we are for such outstanding community support. Thank you, Thank you, THANK YOU!
Following our fundraiser, things did not slow down at the A!TLC....not by a longshot! We have kept up with a real steady routine (we love our regular book club, To do lists, PATH Wednesdays, Techno Thursdays, AND a little thing called Inclusion Cafe!) and new (and old!) things keep on being added to the mix. In the next few months we will be working with Dr Brenda Rossow-Kimball to prepare a workshop on Inclusive Education for the University of Regina's Centre for Teaching and Learning AND will be delivering our classic Barriers and Enablers presentation in Kin 120 on April 10th! There has also been talk about our Student Researchers assisting one of our volunteers with her end of semester presentation, but we will keep you posted on that! Kennen, Kaitlyn, and Rebekah are excited to be attending a profound workshop, "Discovering the Power in Me", that is being put on by the Canadian Paraplegic Association over three sessions on April 16, 23, & 30. Kelsey and Avery have each attended this workshop in the past and highly recommended it to the rest of the ladies!  
That's all for now! We would like to close this blog entry by giving a huge CONGRATULATIONS to Kennen Dorgan for finishing up her job at Grenfell High School on March 28th. Everyone is so excited to celebrate with you, Kennen. 

Take good care. 

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