Thursday 19 December 2013

Holiday cheer...and then some!

Hello out there! 

It is the final day of the A!TLC Fall 2013 Semester and we cannot believe it. It has been a pretty epic few months! We have done so many things and feel like a great team. We are also so excited to see what the next semester (starting on January 7, 2014!) will bring. But for now, let's all stop and enjoy our holiday break....

Today the A!TLC  will be going off campus to celebrate and to get a little bit festive! :) 
We will begin by toasting one another over lunch and then head to the Southland Mall to do some of that Christmas Shopping that we mentioned in our last blog entry. This is Christmas giving in real time - we will have half an hour to seek out the perfect gift for whoever we have been assigned to be a Secret Santa for. Then, everyone will meet up to do the big exchange. As we are a bunch of extremely thoughtful (and modest!) people, this Secret Santa gift exchange is a pretty big deal to us and we are so excite to see the look on our lucky gift recipient's face as they tear into their present! Good vibes all around and a very high note to end the Semester on. Huge thanks to everyone who made this Semester possible, and to our brilliant and ever-so hardworking Student Researchers. It is a beautiful thing to get to work together like this each day. 

We would all like to wish you (yes, you!) a wonderful holiday and a Happy New Year!  HO HO HO! 

All the best, 

The A!TLC 

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