Tuesday 12 November 2013

A Monday-Like Tuesday...

Hello out there! 

The long weekend has left us a bit worn out, actually! We were all a little silly and sleepy at today's A!TLC. Oh well. We carried on and got lots of stuff done! 

Double presentation this Monday (the 18th) - We will be coming to a SW479 and KIN 120 class near you to present on Barriers and Enablers and to share our sweet Menchies flyers! 

Our pages for the One Page Project are nearly ready to share! Stay tuned. 

Douglas Park round three is happening and we have some good ideas to share with the students! 

And Inclusion Cafe is back this week! See you at the Owl on Thursday at 2:30? SO excited! 

Thank you for reading and have a good one! 

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